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« Francis Taylor (1589-1656)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-RemonstrantReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (82 titles, 178 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Bishop Taylor's judgment concerning the power of parents over their children in his Ductor dubitantium, &c., edit. IV, 1696 (London : Rich. Royston ..., 1678)
A discourse of the liberty of prophesying; showing the unreasonableness of prescribing to other men's faith; and the eniquity of persecuting differing opinions
London : Washington, Duff Green, 1834IA 
A discourse of the liberty of prophesying: (London : Joseph Rickerby, 1836)
Discourses on various subjects (London : Boston, Wells and Lilly)
Vol. 1 (1816)
Vol. 2 (1816) IA 
Vol. 3 (1816) IA 
A discovrse of baptisme, its institution, and efficacy upon all believers: together with a consideration of the practise of the Church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents ... (London : J. Flesher for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivy-Lane., 1652)
Ductor dubitantium : or, The rule of conscience in all her general measures; serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience. In four books (London : Roger Norton for Richard Royston ..., 1671)
Ductor dubitantium, or, The rule of conscience in all her generall measures serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience : in four books (London : James Flesher for Richard Royston ..., 1660)
The Golden grove. A choice manual, containing what is to be believed, practised, and desired or prayed for; the prayers being fitted to the several days of the week. Also, festival hymns, according to the manner of the Ancient Church: composed for the use of the devout, especially of younger persons (London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1840)
The Great Exemplar of Sanctity and Holy Life According to the Christian Institution: Described in the History of the Life and Death of ... Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World; with Considerations and Discourses Upon the Several Parts of the Story, and Prayers Fitted to the Several Mysteries (R.N., 1649)
The great exemplar of sanctity and holy life according to the Christian institution: described in the history of the life and death of the Ever Blessed Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. With considerations and discourses upon the severall parts of the story; and prayers fitted to the severall mysteries. In three parts; with many additionals (London : James Flesher, for Richard Royston, at the signe of the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1653)
The great exemplar;
New York : Mershon, 1859IA 
New York : R. Carter & brothers
Vol. 2 (1859) IA 
Holy living and dying : together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions, and furnished for all necessities (London : H.G. Bohn, 1850)
Holy living and dying : with prayers : containing the complete duty of a Christian : to which is prefixed a memoir of the author (Philadelphia : Thomas Wardle, 1842)
Holy living and dying; with prayers: containing the complete duty of a Christian; to which is prefixed a memoir of the author (Philadelphia : Wardle, 1835)
Jeremy Taylor's golden sayings (London : Innes, 1893)
The marriage ring; (Philadelphia : Lond. Lane, 1907)
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