Share:  | | Abjuration of poperie, by Thomas Abernethie: sometime Iesuite, but now penitent sinner, and an unworthie member of the true reformed Church of God in Scotland, at Edinburgh, in the Gray-frier church, the 24. of August, 1638. ( Edinburgh : In King Iames his College, by George Anderson, 1638) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A vvorthy speech by Mr. Tho. Abernethie ; wherein is discovered the villany and hellish plots (which himselfe hath been an eie and eare witnesse of) wrought in the Popes courts against these our three kingdomes, and now disclosed this 29, Iuly, 1641. ( London : T.H., 1641) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Wonderlijcke historye vande paepsche regeringhe in Groot Bretaignen, insonderheyt in Schotlandt ... voor desen gheweest Jesuijt, ende vanden paus ... uyt-ghesonden naer Schotlandt, om die natie te bekeeren, ... maer door Godes ghenade, door lesen vande H. Schriftuere, insonderheyt Col 2. 8 ... ( 1639) | GB |  |   |