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« Roger Edgeworth (-1560)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Robert Edward (c.1616-1696)
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Primary Sources (2 titles, 2 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Doxology approven, or, The singing Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the worship of God, its lawfulness and expediency proven from the Holy Scriptures, councils and Fathers, and the scruples of the weak thereanent, cleared .. (Edinburgh : heir of A. Anderson, 1683)
The doxology approven, or, the singing glory to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in the worship of God, its lawfulness and expediency, proven from the holy scriptures, councils and fathers, and the scruples of the weak thereanent, cleared ; with a few ejaculations fit for several occasions, both for young and old (Edinburgh : in the year, 1731)

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