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« Nicholas Clagett (c.1685-1746)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
William Clagett (1646-1688)
TraditionAnglicanReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (13 titles, 17 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (17) | Related (1)
Results 1-17
The difference of the case, between the separation of Protestants from the Church of Rome, and the separation of Dissenters from the Church of England (London : Thomas Basset..., and Fincham Gardiner, 1683)
Ein Discours Von der Kirchen-Vereinigung: Mit Anweisungen, wie in diesem zertheilten Zustande des Christenthums man in der Einigkeit der Kirche bleiben konne
Martini, 1722GB 
A Discourse Concerning The Operations Of The Holy Spirit : With A Confutation of some part of Dr. Owen's Book upon that Subject. In Three Parts (London : Brome, 1680)
A discourse concerning the operations of the Holy Spirit together with a confutation of some part of Dr. Owen's book upon that subject. (London : J.C. for Hen. Brome ..., 1678)
A Discourse Concerning the Operations of the Holy Spirit: Together with a Confutation of Some Part of Dr. Owen's Book Upon that Subject (J.C., 1678)
A Discourse Concerning The Operations Of The Holy Spirit: With A Confutation of some part of Dr. Owen's Book upon that Subject. In Three Parts, 2nd ed. (London : Brome, 1680)
A discourse concerning the worship of the Blessed Virgin and the saints: with an account of the beginnings and rise of it amongst Christians, in answer to M. de Meaux's appeal to the fourth age, in his Exposition and Pastoral letter (London : T. Bassett, 1686)
A Discourse Concerning the Worship of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints: With an Account of the Beginnings and Rise of it Amongst Christians, in Answer to M. de Meaux's Appeal to the Fourth Age, in His Exposition and Pastoral Letter (London : Tho. Bassett at the George in Fleetstreet, and Tho. Newborough at the Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686)
Ein Diskurs von der Kirchen-Vereinigung
Martini, 1722GB 
Leipzig : Martini, 1722BSB 
A paraphrase with notes, and a preface upon the sixth chapter of St. John: shewing, that there is neither good reason, nor sufficient authority, to suppose that the Eucharist is discoursed of in that chapter, much less to infer the doctrine of transubstantiation from it (London : J.D. for J. Robinson, 1686)
The present state of the controversie between the Church of England and the Church of Rome: or, An account of the books written on both sides, in a letter to a friend (London : T. Basset, J. Adamson, and T. Newborough, 1687)
Sermons on the following subjects viz. 'I. Concerning Christ's not appearing to all the people after his resurrection'. II. of the unbelief of the Jews (1720)
A Treatise Concerning the Operations of the Holy Spirit: Beingthe Substance of the Late Reverend and Learned Dr. William Clagett's Discourseupon that Subject. With Large Additions (Henry Clements, 1719)
A view of the whole controversy between the representer and the answerer,: with an answer to the representer's last reply: : in which are laid open some of the methods by which Protestants are misrepresented by papists (London : William Rogers, 1687)

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