Primary Sources
Other Resources
, S.J. (1595-1660)
Academic TitleProf. of Philosophy, Dillingen (1629-1632) | Prof. of Moral Theology, Dillingen (1635-1636) | Prof. of Scholastic Theology, Dillingen (1637-1638) | Prof. of Moral Theology, Dillingen (1638-1642)
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Primary Sources (4 titles, 7 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share:  | | Principia rerum naturalium publice disputata | | 1631 | GB |  |   |
Theses phys. de elementis (Sutor, 1632) | GB |  |   |
Universalia publice disputata | | Sutor, 1631 | GB |  |   |
Vniversalia (Sutor, 1631) | GB |  |   |