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Bibel teutsch, das ist alle Bücher alts und nüws Testaments ... verteütschet (Zürich : Christoffel Froschouer, 1549)
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and New Testament, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance (London : Imthe Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1595) / added author(s): Laurence Tomson, Thomas Sternhold [Geneva Bible with Tomson's New Testament trans. of Beza; With this is bound: Sternhold, Thomas. The whole booke of Psalmes (1594)]
Biblia sacra des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, ofte De gantsche Heylige Schrift vervattende het beschrevene woort Godes, trans. Abraham à Doreslaer, vol. 1 (Arnhem : Jan Janssen, 1614)
Biblia, das ist alle Bücher der Heiligen Schrift / auss den Grundsprachen treulich und wol verteutschet ... (Getrukt zu Zürich : Michael Schaufelbergers sel. Erbinn durch Johannes Bachmann, 1683) / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland
Biblia, das ist: die gantz heylige Schrifft deutsch (Strassburg : Wolff Köpfl, 1535)
The Byble : that is to saye, all the holye Scripture, in whiche are contayned the olde and new Testament : truly and purely translated into Englishe : & now lately with great industry & diligence recognysed .. (London : Imprynted by Wyllyam Bonham)
Vol. 1 (1551)
Vol. 2 (1551) IA 
Die gantze Bibel / der ursprünglichen ebraischen und griechischen Waarheyt nach auffs aller treüwlichest verteütschet. Getruckt zuo Zürich : bey Christoffel Froschouer, im Jar als man zalt 1531 (Zürich : Christoffel Froschouer, 1531) / added author(s): Ulrich Zwingli
Die gantze Bibel der vrsprünglichen Ebraischen vnd Griechischen Waarheyt nach verteutschet. - Zürich, Christoffel Froschouer 1531 (Zürich : Christoffel Froschouer, 1531)
The gospels of the fower Euangelistes : translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin in the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newly collected out of auncient monumentes of the sayd Saxons, and now published for testimonie of the same (At London : Iohn Daye ..., 1571) / added author(s): John Foxe
Hē kainē diathēkē = : Novum Testamentum / obscuriorum vocum & quorundam loquendi generum accuratas partim suas partim aliorum interpretationes margini adscripsit Henricus Stephanus, cum magna accessione in hac posteriori editione ([Genève] : [Henri II Estienne], 1587)
The Holie Bible : conteynyng the Olde Testament and the Newe, trans. Matthew Parker ([London] : [R. Iugge, Printer to the Queene], 1568) / added author(s): Church of England [The Bishops' Bible]
The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament, and the New (London : Robert Barker, 1617) / added author(s): Church of England [King James Bible]
The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New (London : Robert Barker, 1611) / added author(s): Church of England [King James Bible]
Ketaba de'wangeliwan qadisha' demaran wa'lahan yeshu' ... = Liber sacrosancti euangelii de Iesu Christo Domino & Deo nostro : reliqua hoc codice comprehensa pagina proxima indicabit : Div. Ferdinandi Rom. imperatoris designati iussu & liberalitate, characteribus & lingua Syra, Iesu Christo vernacula, diuino ipsius ore co[n]secrata, et à Ioh. Eua[n]gelista Hebraica dicta, scriptorio prelo dilige[n]ter expressa ... ([Vienna] : [Michael Cymermannus], 1555) [Syriac New Testament (first printing)]
Novum testamentum (Lugd. Batavorum : ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1633)
Novvm Testamentvm Graecae (Argentorati : Wolfgang Köpfel, 1524) / added author(s): Johannes Lonicer
Das nüw Testament kurtz und grüntlich in ein Ordnung und Text die vier Evangelisten mit Figuren durch aus geführt sampt den anderen Apostelen (Johann Grüninger, 1527)

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