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George Keith (c.1638-1716)
TraditionAnglican, QuakerReference Academic Titlen/a
NotesQuaker; later converted to Anglican
Primary Sources (102 titles, 104 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An Account of an occasional Conference between G. Keith and T. Upshare at Colchester, Jan. 1, 1700/01, ... Together with ... observations on T. Upshare's Concessions and Answers, and a postscript ... and some passages ... collected out of a printed Epistle of G. Fox, call'd, A General Epistle ... (1701)
An account of the great divisions amongst the Quakers in Pensilvania,&c. As appears by their own book, intituled “The plea of the innocent against the false judgment of the guilty,” etc (1692)
An account of the great divisions, amongst the Quakers, in Pensilvania, &c. as appears by their own book, here following, printed 1692, and lately came from thence, intituled, viz. The plea of the innocent, against the false judgment of the guilty : being a vindication of George Keith, and his friends, who are joined with him in this present testimony, from the false judgment, calumnies, false informations and defamations of Samuel Jenings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, an others, joyned with them, being in number twenty eight : directed, by way of epistle, to faithful friends of truth, in Pensilvania, East and West-Jersey, and else-where, as occasion requireth. (London : and are to be sold by John Gwillim ..., and Rich. Baldwin ..., 1692)
Ad J. G. Bajeri ... dissertationem primam contra Quakeros et præcipue contra R: Barclajum in Thesibus suis Theologicis et Apologia, de principio veræ ... cognitionis divinæ, an principium illud, in Revelationibus et inspirationibus internis et immediatis quærendum, aut constituendum sit ... (J. Claus, 1683)
Ad Joh. Guilelmi Baieri ... dissertationem primam contra Quakeros et praecipue contra Rob. Barclaium in thesibus suis theologicis et apologia de principis verae ac salutaris cognitionis divinae ...
Clausius, 1683GB 
Amstelodamum : Clausius, 1683BSB 
An advertisement of an intended meeting to be held by George Keith and his friends, at their usual meeting-place, in Turners-Hall, in Philpot-Lane, the 29th. day of this instant and present month called April, 1697. to begin about the 9th. hour. To which meeting William Penn, Thomas Ellwood, George Whitehead, John Penington, and these of the second days weekly meeting at Lombard-street, are justly desired to be present, to hear themselves recharged and proved guilty of these vile and gross errors and heresies, wherewith they have been formerly charged by George Keith, and proved guilty off [sic], at a meeting held at Turners-Hall, on the 11th, of the month called June, 1696. ... (London, 1697)
The anti-Christs and Sadduces detected among a sort of Quakers, or, Caleb Pusie of Pensilvania and John Pennington, with his brethren of the second days meeting at London called Quakers, proved antichrists and Sadduces out of a said book lately published by them called A modest account of the principal differences in point of doctrine betwixt George Keith and those of the people called Quakers in Pensilvania &c. : being an answer to the said book ... : with some few remarks on John Pennington's late book entitled The people called Quakers cleared &c. and Geo. Whitehead his postscript ...: and a postscript ... (London : author ..., 1696)
Antwoord op Elf Vragen : Waarom er swarigheyd gemaakt wordt, om voor eenig mensch, ... het hooft te ontblooten ... (Rotterdam : Groenwout, 1680)
Antwoord op Elf Vragen: Waarom er swarigheyd gemaakt wordt, om voor eenig mensch, ... het hooft te ontblooten ... (Groenwout, 1680)
An appeal from the twenty eight judges to the spirit of truth & true judgment in all faithful Friends, called Quakers, that meet at this Yearly Meeting at Burlington, the 7 month, 1692 (Philadelphia : W. Bradford, 1692)
The arguments of the Quakers : more particularly, of George Whitehead, William Penn, Robert Barclay, John Gratton, George Fox, Humphry Norton, and my own, against baptism and the Supper examined and refuted .. (London : C. Brome, 1698)
The Arguments of the Quakers, More Particularly of G. Whitehead, W. Penn, R. Barclay, J. Gratton, G. Fox, H. Norton, and My Own, Against Baptism and the Supper Examined and Refuted. ... With an Appendix, Containing Some Observations Upon Some Passages in a Book of W. Penn, Called, A Caveat ... (1698)
The arguments of the Quakers, more particularly, of George Whitehead, William Penn, Robert Barclay, John Gratton, George Fox, Humphry Norton, and my own arguments against baptism and the Supper, examined and refuted also, some clear proofs from Scripture, shewing that they are institutions of Christ under the Gospel : with an appendix containing some observations upon some passages in a book of W. Penn called A caveat against Popery, and on some passages of a book of John Pennington, caled The fig leaf covering discovered (London : C. Brome ..., 1698)
The arraignment of worldly philosophy, or, The false wisdom its being a great hinderance to the Christian faith, and a great enemy to the true divine wisdom (London : R. Levis, 1694)
The benefit, advantage and glory of silent meetings both as it was found at the beginning, or first breaking forth of this clear manifestation of truth, and continues so to be found by all the faithful and upright in heart at this day (London : Andrew Sowle ..., 1687)
Bristol Quakerism exposed shewing the fallacy, perversion, ignorance, and error of Benjamin Cool, the Quakers chief preacher at Bristol, and of his followers and abettors there, discovered in his and their late book falsely called Sophistry detected, or, An answer to George Keith's Synopsis : wherein also both his deisme and inconsistency with himself and his brethren, with respect to the peculiar principles of Christianity, are plainly demonstrated (London : John Gwillim ..., 1700)
Bristol Quakerism exposed, shewing the Fallacy ... and Error of B. Cool, the Quakers'chief Preacher at Bristol, and of his followers and abettors there, discovered in his and their book, falsely called “Sophistry detected; or, an Answer to G. K.'s Synopsis,” etc (1700)
The causeless ground of surmises, jealousies and unjust offences removed, in a full clearing of faithful Friends, and a sober vindication of my innocency, and the Friends concerned with me in relation to the late religious differences and breaches among some of the people called Quakers in America. (London : R. Levis, 1694)
A Christian Catechisme, for the instruction of youth ... in the grounds of Christian Religion, etc (For Brabazon Aylmer, 1698)
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