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Academic TitleProf. of Philosophy, Marburg (1721-1735) | Prof. of Theology, Marburg (1735-†1755)
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Primary Sources (3 titles, 3 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share: Theology (2) | Philosophy (1) | | Dissertatio Theologica Inavgvralis De Adparitione Dei Symbolica Ad Oracvlvm I. Reg. Xix, 11. 12. 13. :Eccles. Meritissimo, Stvdiorvm Svorvm Promotore Nvnqvam non Devenerando Ad Svmmos In Theologia Honores Rite Capessendos a. D. V. Novembris MDCCXXVI. / Qvam D. T. O. M. Clementer Adivvante Ex Decreto Et Avctoritate Venerandi Ordinis Theologici In Perinclvta Academia Marbvrgensi Moderatore Viro Maxime Reverendo Et Exelentissimo Ioh. Christiano Kirchmejero, S. S. Theol. Doct. Et Prof. Primario, Nec non Consiliario ... Exell. Dnn. Procervm AcademiæDisqvisitioni Svbmittit Franc. Vlricvs Walter, Prof. Ling. Græ c. In Acad. Rinthelensi P. O. Et Eccl. Reform. Pastor. ( Marbvrgi : Müller, 1726) | ULBH | | |
Tractatus theologico-typicus, de terra Canaan et omnibus ejus partibus earumque antitypo ( Marburgi : In Officina Mülleriana, 1755) | GB | | |