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Compendium Theologiæ Dogmaticæ Et Moralis, In Usum Tyronum Adornatum : In Quo Veritates Tum Ordine Naturali Dispositæ Tum Locis Scripturæ S. In Textu Origin. Appositis, Probatæ Exhibentur / Auctore Dan. Wyttenbach, Theol. Elencht. In Bernatum Lycæo Professore (Francofurti Ad Moenum : Andreae, 1754)
Theological theses: containing the chief heads of the Christian doctrine, deduced from axioms; composed and publickly defended in presence and under the direction of the very Reverend and most judicious John Henry Ringier, V.D.M. and professor of controversial divinity in the academy at Bern. By ... (New York : Samuel Brown at the foot of Potbaker's-Hill, between the New-Dutch Church and Fly-Market, 1766)