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Church of England
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Articles de la confession de foy de l'Église anglicane, 1562, nouvellement traduits. [With] Le canon du synode de la province de Cantorberi,tenu 1603 (Geneva : J. & S. De Tournes, 1665)
Book of common prayer (London, 1588)
The book of common prayer (London, 1681)
The Booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments (London : R. Barker, 1610) / added author(s): Thomas Sternhold [With this is bound: The Whole book of Psalmes : collected into English meeter (1612) / by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins, and others]
Certain sermons, or homilies: appointed to be read in churches, in the time of the late Queen Elizabeth of famous memory (Prayer-Book and Homily Society, 1852)
Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate parliamenti anglicani indicto elaborata. (Cambridge : John Field, 1696)
The confession of faith, together with the larger and lesser catechismes, composed by the reverend assembly of divines sitting at Westminster, presented to both houses of parliament, 2nd ed. (London : J. Rothwel, 1658) / added author(s): Westminster Assembly
Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall; treated upon by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, presidents of the convocations for the respective provinces of Canterbury and York, and the rest of the bishops and clergie of those provinces; and agreed upon with the Kings Majesties licence in their severall synods begun at London and York. 1640 ... (London : Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, 1640)
Harmonia Confessionum fidei orthodoxarum et reformatarum Ecclesiarum (Geneva : apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1581) / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland, Reformed Church of France, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
The Harmony of Protestant Confessions, ed. Peter Hall (London : J. F. Shaw, 1842) / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland, Reformed Church of France, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands [Harmonia confessionum fidei, orthodoxarum & reformatarum Ecclesiarum]
An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches, which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe (London : Iohn Legatt, 1643) / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland, Reformed Church of France, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
The Holie Bible : conteynyng the Olde Testament and the Newe, trans. Matthew Parker ([London] : [R. Iugge, Printer to the Queene], 1568) / added author(s): Bible [The Bishops' Bible]
The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament, and the New (London : Robert Barker, 1617) / added author(s): Bible [King James Bible]
The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New (London : Robert Barker, 1611) / added author(s): Bible [King James Bible]
The New week's preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lords Supper : as recommended and appointed by the Church of England, consisting of meditations and prayers for the morning and evening of every day in the week : with forms of examination and confession of sins, and a companion at the altar directing the communicant in his behaviour and devotions at the Lord's table .. (London : assignment from the executors of the late Edw.d Wicksteed for John Hinton, [n.d.]) [Date: 17XX]
Ordinatio ecclesiae : seu ministerii ecclesiastici, in florentissimo Regno Angliæ, conscripta sermone patrio, & in Latinam linguam bona fide conuersa & ad consolationem ecclesiarum Christi, ubicunque locorum ac genitium, his tristissimis [sum]ptoribus, edita, ab Alexandro Alesio Scoto sacrae theologiae doctore, ed. Alexander Alesius
ed. Alexander Alesius (Leipzig : Wolfgang Gunther, 1551) [A translation of the First Book of Edward VI] SLUB 
Records of the General Synod of Ulster, from 1691 to 1820 (Belfast : Archer and Sons)
Vol. 1 (1890)
Vol. 2 (1890) IA 
Vol. 3 (1890) IA 
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