Primary Sources
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, S.J. (1549-1603)
Academic TitleProf. of Theology, Dillingen (1573-1575) | Prof. of Theology, Ingolstadt (1575-1592)
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Primary Sources (100 titles, 146 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  Theology (146) | Related (5) | | Chandieu, Antoine de (1534-1591) fr en | Index errorum Gregorii de Valentia monachi blasphemae Societatis : ex eo libro quem inscripsit, Examen praecipui mysterii doctrinae calvinistarum, etc. Confectus a nonnullis theologiae et philosophiae candidatis in Schola Genevensi : errores sunt numero sexaginta qui crassiores visi sunt, ac proinde transsubstantiatione digniores ( [Geneva] : Jean le Preux, 1590) | e-rara |  |   |
| Heerbrand, Jacob (1521-1600) de en | Refutatio Tractatvs Gregorii De Valentia Hispani, Iesuitae Ingolstad. impij, de prophana, abominanda & execrata, verbo[que] Dei damnata Missa Pontificia | | Hockius, 1581 | GB |  |   |
Tvbingae, 1581 | BSB |  |   |
Spongia Adversvs Aspergines Apologetici Gregorii De Valentia, Iesvitae Ingolstadiensis, Materia, de multiplici & horrenda Pontificiorum Doctorum Idolomania, pro Disputatione, proposita | | Hock, 1579 | GB |  |   |
Tvbingae, 1579 | BSB |  |   |