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Thomas Stackhouse (1677-1752)
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Primary Sources (70 titles, 121 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An abridgment of Bishop Burnet's history of his own times, by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Stackhouse (London : J. M. Dent; New York, E. P. Dutton, 1906) / added author(s): Gilbert Burnet
Betrachtungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntni,? und neun und dreyi?g Lehrartikel der engländischen Kirchen, vol. 1 (Koppe, 1765)
Betrachtungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntniß, und neun und dreyßig Lehrartikel der engländischen Kirchen (Koppe)
Vol. 2 (1766)
Vol. 3 (1768) GB 
Vol. 4 (1771) GB 
Betrachtungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntniß, und neun und dreyßig Lehrartikel der engländischen Kirchen / 1 (Rostock, 1765)
Betrachtungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntniß, und neun und dreyßig Lehrartikel der engländischen Kirchen / 2 (Rostock, 1766)
Betrachtungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntniß, und neun und dreyßig Lehrartikel der engländischen Kirchen / 3 (Rostock, 1768)
Betrachtungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntniß, und neun und dreyßig Lehrartikel der engländischen Kirchen / 4 (Rostock, 1771)
A compleat body of speculative and practical divinity: the whole extracted from the best antient and modern writers, 3rd ed. (1743)
A Complete body of divinity (London, 1729)
A complete body of divinity ... extracted from the best ancient and modern writers ... (J. Batley, 1729)
A Complete Body of Divinity: Consisting of Five Parts ... The Whole Extracted from the Best Ancient and Modern Writers, But Chiefly Form the Works of Such, as Have Been Reputed the Most Able Divines, and Celebrated Preachers Amongst Us. ... (J. Batley and T. Cox, 1729)
A complete body of divinity: Consisting of five parts ... The whole extracted from the best ancient and modern writers, but chiefly form the works of such, as have been reputed the most able divines, and celebrated preachers amongst us. ... (J. Batley and T. Cox, 1729)
A Defence of the Christian Religion from the Several Objections of Modern Antiscripturists (1733)
A defence of the Christian religion from the several objections of modern Antiscripturists (London, 1733)
A defence of the Christian religion from the several objections of modern antiscripturists, wherein the literal sense of the prophesies contained in the Old Testament and of the miracles recorded in the New, is explained and vindicated, 2nd ed. (1741)
A defence of the Christian religion from the several objections of modern antiscripturists: Wherein the literal sense of the prophecies contained in the Old Testament, and the miracles recorded in the New, is explained and vindicated ... (E. Symon, 1731)
Difesa del senso letterale della santa scrittura...
Figli, 1838GB 
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