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Chubb's tracts (T. Cox, 1732) | GB |  |   |
A Collection of Tracts on Various Subjects, vol. 2 (T. Cox, 1754) | GB |  |   |
A collection of tracts on various subjects ( London : Cox) | |
| IA |  |   |
Vol. 3 (1738) | IA |  |   |
A collection of tracts, on various subjects | |
author, 1730 | GB |  |   |
London : T. Cox | |
Vol. 2 (1754) | IA |  |   |
A discourse of miracles: considered as evidence to prove the Divine original of a revelation : in which several mistakes are rectified, and deficiencies supplied in Mr. Tho. Chubb's late discourse on the same subject : also an attempt to prove, that the single circumstance of non-universality ... (J. Noon, 1742) | GB |  |   |
A Discourse on Miracles, Considered as Evidences to Prove the Divine Original of a Revelation. ... To which is Added, An, Appendix, Containing an Enquiry Into this Question, Viz. Whether the Doctrines of a Future State of Existence to Men, and a Future Retribution, Were Plainly and Clearly ... (T. Cox, 1741) | GB |  |   |
An Enquiry Concerning Redemption. Wherein the Christian Redemption is Particularly Considered. To which is Prefixed, a Preface; Wherein is Shewn, that If Christianity be Not Founded on Argument, ... Then it is Most Uncertain and Precarious, ... By Tho. Chubb (T. Cox, 1743) | GB |  |   |
An enquiry into the ground and foundation of religion: Wherein is shewn, that religion is founded in nature (Tho. Cox, 1740) | GB |  |   |
Johann Anton Trinius, Predigers zu Bräunerode und Walbeck in der Graffschaft Mannsfeld ... Freydenker-Lexicon, oder Einleitung in die Geschichte der neuern Freygeister ihrer Schriften, und deren Widerlegungen ( Leipzig, [n.d.]) | SLUB |  |   |
Kyrdoon: a romantic tale in various rhymed metres | |
[New Haven] Yale university press, 1921 | IA |  |   |
New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1921 | IA |  |   |
Neuer Versuch von der Guete Gottes der Freyheit des Menschen und dem Ursprung des Uebels ([n.d.]) | SLUB |  |   |
Nouveaux essais sur la bonté de Dieu, la liberté de l'homme et l'origine du mal ( 1732) | GB |  |   |
The posthumous works of Mr. Thomas Chubb: containing: Remarks on the Scriptures. Observations on the Reverend Mr. Warburton's Divine legation of Moses. The author's farewel to his readers; comprehending a variety of tracts, on the most important subjects of religion. With an appendix, including ... (R. Baldwin jun., and sold by E. Easton, 1748) | GB |  |   |
The previous question with regard to religion: humbly offer'd, as necessary to be consider'd, in order to the settling and determining all other questions on this subject, 3rd ed. (J. Darby, and sold by J. Noon and J. Roberts, 1725) | GB |  |   |
Scripture-evidence consider'd, in a view of the controversy betwixt the author and mr. Barclay's defenders, viz. mr. Beaven and dr. Morgan; in a fourth letter to a friend. To which are added, two tracts ( 1728) | GB |  |   |
Several enquiries,: concerning I. Justification. II. The Son of God; and what is necessary to be believed concerning him. III. Sinners deliverance from condemnation. IV. The justice of God. V. Infinite justice, and infinite satisfaction. VI. Faith and mysteries. VII. The use of reason in matters ... (James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard., 1718) | GB |  |   |
| IA |  |   |