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Amica collatio de gratiae et voluntatis humanae concursu invocatione & quibusdam annexis, instituta inter cl. V. Danielem Tilenum et Johannem Cameronem (sumpt. Benedicti Mignonii [Saumur], 1622) / added author(s): Daniel Tilenus | GB |  |   |
Amica collatio de gratiae et volvntatis humanae concursu in vocatione et quibusdam annexis, institvta inter Danielem Tilenvm et Iohannem Cameronem | |
Lugduni Batavorum, 1622 | GB |  |   |
Defensio Ioh. Cameronis S. Evangelii ministri & S. theologiæ professoris. Opposita libello cui titulus est Epistola viri docti ad amicum, in qua expenditur sententia Ioannis Cameronis de gratia & libero arbitrio (apud Claud. Girardum & Dan. Lerpinerium, 1624) | GB |  |   |
Deux lettres de Jean Cameron à Duplessis-Mornay ( 1874) [Bulletin de la socié de l'histoire du protestantisme français 23 (1874): 503-506] | GB |  |   |
Discours apologétique pour l'appel de ceux de la Religion Reformee au iugement de Dieu parlant és Escritures et par les Escritures ( Bergerac : Gilbert Vernoy, 1614) | GB |  |   |
An examination of those plausible appearances which seeme most to commend the Romish Church, and to preiudice the reformed Discovering them to be but meere shifts, purposely invented, to hinder an exact triall of doctrine by the Scriptures. By Mr Iohn Cameron. Englished out of French. ( Oxford : Iohn Lichfield and William Turner, for Edward Forrest, 1626) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Ioan. Cameronis Myrothecium evangelicum. Hoc est, Novi Testamenti loca quamplurima ab eo, post aliorum labores, apté & commodé vel illustrata, vel explicata, vel vindicata. Quibus ad calcem adiectum est, Lud. Cappelli Spicilegium, eiusdem argumenti & Diatribae duae I. De interpretatione loci Matth. XV. 5. II. De voto Iephtae ( Saumur : apud Isaacum & Henricum Desbordes, 1677) | GB |  |   |
Myrothecium evangelicum, hoc est Novi Testamenti loca quamplurima ab eo, post aliorum labores, apte et commode vel illustrta, vel explicata, vel vindicata, quibus adjectae sunt Alexandri Mori notae in Novum Foedus jam antea editae et dissertatio in Mat. c. 24, v. 28, hactenus inedita, necnon ejusdem Alexandri Mori axiomata theologica, quae nunc primum in lucem prodeunt ( Saumur : I. et H. Desbordes, 1677) / added author(s): Alexandre Morus | GB |  |   |
Praelectionum in selectiora quaedam Novi Testamenti loca, Salmurii habitarum ( Saumur : Cl. Girard & Dan. Lerpinière) | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 3 (1628) | GB |  |   |
Vol. 1 (1632) | GB |  |   |
A tract of the soueraigne iudge of controuersies in matters of religion. By Iohn Cameron minister of the Word of God, and divinity professour in the Academie of Montauban. Translated into English by Iohn Verneuil. M.A. ( Oxford : VVilliam Turner printer to the famous Vniversity, and are to be sold by Henry Curteine, 1628) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Traité auquel sont examinez les préjugez de ceux de l'eglise romaine contre la religion réformée | |
La Rochelle : Jean Hebert, 1617 | GB |  |   |
Rochelle, 1617 | BSB |  |   |
Trois lettres inédites de J. Cameron ( 1901) [Bulletin de la socié de l'histoire du protestantisme français 50 (1901): 158-64] | GB |  |   |
The True Bounds of Christian Freedome. : Or a Treatise wherein the rights of the law are vindicated, the liberties of grace maintained; and the severall late opinions against the law are examined and confuted ... Whereunto is annexed a discourse of the learned John Camerons, touching the three- fold Covenant of God with man, faithfully translated ( London : P.S., 1656) / added author(s): Samuel Bolton | IA |  |   |