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Primary Sources (9 titles, 11 vols.) | Secondary Sources (1) | Suggest a New Source | Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: Theology (9) | Other (2) | Related (1) | | De successu Evangelii apud Indos occidentales, in Nova-Anglia, epistola ad Johannem Leusdenum. ( Ultrajecti : Broedeleth, 1699) | GB | | |
De successu Evangelii apud indos occidentales, in novâ-Angliâ; epistola. ... scripta, a Crescentio Mathero apud Bostonienses V.D.M. nec non collegii Harvardini quod est Cantabrigia Nov-Anglorum, rectore (apud Wilhelmum Broedeleth, 1699) | GB | | |
De successu evangelii apud Indos orientales, epistolae aliae conscriptae | | Broedeleth, 1699 | GB | | |
Ultrajecti : Broedeleth, 1699 | BSB | | |
A disquisition concerning ecclesiastical councils : proving, that not only pastors, but brethren delegated by the Churches, have equally a right to a decisive vote in such assemblies : to which is added, proposals concerning consociation of churches, agreed upon by a synod, which convened at Boston, in New England : with a preface, containining [sic] a further vindication of the congregational discipline ( Boston : American Congregational Union, 1870) | GB | | |
An Earnest Exhortation to the Inhabitants of New-England to Hearken to the Voice of God in His Late and Present Dispensations As Ever They Desire to Escape Another Judgement, Seven Times Greater Then Any Thing Which as Yet Hath Been, ed. Reiner Smolinski [Electronic Texts in American Studies] ( Boston : John Foster, 1676) | UNL | | |
A faithful man described and rewarded: a sermon preached at Malden, June 24, 1705, occassioned by the death of that faithful and aged servant of God, Mr. Michael Wigglesworth (republished by J. Putham, 1849) | GB | | |
The judgment of several eminent divines of the Congregational way, concerning a pastors power, occasionally to exert ministerial acts in another church ( Boston : Benjamin Harris, 1693) | GB | | |