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« Philip Michael Ellis (1652-1726)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Thomas Ellwood (1639-1713)
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Primary Sources (4 titles, 4 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Foundation of tythes shaken : and the four principal posts, viz. Divine institution, primitive practice, voluntary donations, and positive laws, on which the nameless author (of a book, called, The Right of tythes asserted and proved) hath set his pretended right to tythes, are removed, in the following reply (London : assigns of J. Sowle, 1720)
The history of the life of Thomas Ellwood : Or, an account of his birth, education, &c. with divers observations on his life and manners when a youth: and how he came to be convinced of the truth; with his many sufferings and services for the same ; Also, several other remarkable passages and occurrences (London : Luke Hinde, 1765)
Sacred history or, the historical part of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments : digested into due method, with respect to order of time and place : with observations tending to illustrate some passages therein, vol. 1 (New York : Deare and Andrews, 1804)
Sacred history or, the historical part of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments: digested into due method, with respect to order of time and place : with observations tending to illustrate some passages therein, vol. 3 (London : J. Phillips, 1778)

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