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« Samuel Crisp (c.1669-1704)
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Stephen Crisp (1628-1692)
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Primary Sources (17 titles, 18 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Christ made sin, evinced from scripture (2 Cor. v. 21) : upon occasion of an exception taken at Pinners-hall, 28 January, 1689, at re-printing the sermons of Dr. Tobias Crisp ; together with an epistle to the auditory of the exception, and Dr. Crisp's own answer to an exception against his assertion, of Christ being the first gift to a believer, before the acting of Grace in Him (London : John Bennett, 1832)
The Christian experiences, gospel labours and writings (Philadelphia : Benjamin & Thomas Kite, 1822)
Een Klaeginge over de stadt van Groeningen. Beneven een Antwoort, op vier papieren geschreven, tegen het volck genaemt Quakers (1669)
Een klaren Wegh
Amsterdam, 1669BSB 
An Epistle of tender counsel and advice to all that have believed the truth [microform] : to exhort them to faithfulness thereunto (London : J. Phillips, 1787)
An epistle to friends concerning the present and succeeding times ... By one who is a traveller in the way of peace, and hath good will towards all men, and more especially to the houshold of faith (James Phillips, 1797)
An Epistle to friends concerning the present and succeeding times [microform] : being a faithful exhortation to all friends, who profess the truth, .. (London : J. Phillips, 1780)
A faithful warning and exhortation to Friends to beware of seducing spirits, and to keep on the armour of light in simplicity and sincerity, as their best armour in all trials (J. Rakestraw, 1853)
Het eerste deel van de uytroepinge tegens de vervolginge, dewelcke begonnen is, en voortgaet door de regeerders, predicanten, en mennisten in Vrieslandt. Zijnde een zeecker en waerachtigh verhael, van de manier van 't onschuldigh vangen, ketenen, en gevanckelijck-houden, van dry inwoonders van ... (1670)
Het tweede deel vande uytroepinge tegens de vervolginge in Vrieslandt. Met een verdediginge vande waerheydt van het eerste deel. Tegens de valsche beschuldigingen van verscheyde persoonen, dewelcke de waerheydt met leugens sochten te verdrucken; maer haer toevlucht is wegh genomen, ende haere ... (1671)
Memoirs of the life of Stephen Crisp / with selections from his works. (York : W. Alexander snd Son, 1824)
Memoirs of the life of Stephen Crisp, with selections from his works (Alexander, 1824)
Memoirs of the life of Stephen Crisp: with selections from his works (W. Alexander snd Son, 1824)
A plain path-way opened to the simple hearted and an answer to all doubts and objections arising in them, against the inward appearances of divine light and truth, which have kept many from obedience, and so from peace to their panting souls (H. Wardman, 1834)
Scripture truths demonstrated, in thirty-two sermons; or, Declarations of Stephen Crisp (Philadelphia : J. James, 1787)
A succinct view of the primitive apostolic church (1822)
De waerheydt triumpherende over valscheyt, in een antwoort op dertig valsche beschuldigingen, tegens het onnosele volck gods, Quakers genaemt; in een seecker boeck genaemt 's werelts godsdiensten, geschreven door Alexander Rosse, ende overgeset in de Nederduytsche tael door Josua Sanderus ... (Christoffel Cunrades, 1670)

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