Share:  | | The enormous sin of covetousness detected: with its branches, fraud, oppression, lying, ingratitude, &c., and some proposals how to escape these dangerous and destructive evils] (J. Sowle, 1708) | GB |  |   |
Posthuma Christiana ; or, a collection of some papers of William Crouch : being a brief historical account, under his own hand, of his convincement of, and early sufferings for the truth, with remarks on sundry memorable transactions, relating to the people call'd Quakers ( London : The Assigns of J. Sowle, 1712) | IA |  |   |
Posthuma Christiana ; or, a collection of some papers of William Crouch: being a brief historical account, under his own hand, of his convincement of, and early sufferings for the truth, with remarks on sundry memorable transactions, relating to the people call'd Quakers (The Assigns of J. Sowle, 1712) | GB |  |   |