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« Anne Cooke Bacon (1528-1610)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
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Primary Sources (118 titles, 177 vols.) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (57) | Theology (10) | Philosophy (99) | Law (3) | Other (8) | Related (1)
Results 1-10
Certaine Considerations Touching the Better Pacification and Edification of the Church of England: Dedicated to His Most Excellent Maiestie (Henry Tomes, 1604)
Certaine considerations touching the better pacification and edification of the Churchof England .. (London : H. Tomes, 1604)
Certaine considerations touching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England dedicated to His most excellent Maiestie. ([London] : Henry Tomes [i.e. W. Jaggard], 1620)
Certaine Considerations Touching the Better Pacification, and Edification of the Church of England: Dedicated to His Most Excellent Majesty (Printed, [by E[lizabeth] Purslowe, at the Eliot's Court Press], 1640)
Certaine considerations tovching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England .. (London, Printed by the assignes of J. More, 1640)
The essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon ... His religious meditations. Places of perswasion and disswasion. Seene and allowed (London : I. Iaggard, 1613)
Essayes Religious meditations. Places of perswasion and disswasion. Seene and allowed. (London : [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, and are to be sold at the blacke Beare in Chauncery Lane, 1597)
Lord Bacon his prayer. A prayer for the student (London, 1799)
A wise and moderate discourse concerning church-affaires ([London], 1641)
A wise and moderate discourse, concerning church-affaires: As it was written, long since, by the famous authour of those considerations, which seem to have some reference to this. Now published for the common good.. (1641)

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